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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

How to compile a help system from command line?

As part of our automated build process, we need to build our help system from the command line.

Can you clarify the following questions, please?

  • Does HelpSmith have a command line compilation option?
    If so, can you please provide an example?
  • If we use a separate build machine, will we need an additional HelpSmith license for it?

Thank you!



Does HelpSmith have a command line compilation option?
If so, can you please provide an example?

Compilation from the command line

HelpSmith provides command line interface that you can use to compile a help project file to the destination output formats, such as Web Help, HTML Help (CHM), PDF, Word, etc.


For example, you can create a batch (.BAT) file with the following content:

"c:\Program Files\HelpSmith\HelpSmith.exe" "d:\Help-Projects\MyProject.hsmx" /wh /cs /nc=ignorewarn

This sample .BAT file can be used to compile MyProject.hsmx project file and generate the help system in the "Web Help" format (which is specified by the /wh key).


HelpSmith's Command Line Interface

You can find full information on the HelpSmith's command line interface at:


If we use a separate build machine, will we need an additional HelpSmith license for it?

Using HelpSmith Standard on the build machine

On the build machine, you can use an additional HelpSmith Standard (per seat) license.

Please note that HelpSmith Standard edition will correctly compile a help project that can be created in a higher edition, such as HelpSmith Professional or HelpSmith Ultimate.

You can purchase additional licenses on the HelpSmith Ordering page here.


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