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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

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10 topics found by tag: pdf.

How to fit content to a printed page in PDF?

When I generate a CHM file or Web Help system, the topics appear normally. But when generating a Printed Manual or PDF documentation, if a topic is longer than the height of the page, its content is cut off at the bottom of the page. Please advise how I can fix this issue? PS: BTW, I checked the HelpSmith's sample projects, and it seems to work [...]
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How to change page settings in PDF manual?

We have a HelpSmith project that we use to produce our web-based help system, and it works just fine. When we generate a PDF manual, we need to change some page settings, such as page size, margins, etc. The Page Properties button in the toolbar does not seem to work. Q: How can we change the PDF's page settings?
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How to customize the cover page in a PDF manual?

Is it possible to customize the cover page in the Printed Manual or PDF document generated by HelpSmith? For example, in our PDF manual, we'd like to add a logo, add some extra texts, and so on. Please advice how we can do that.
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Is it possible to create a protected Web Help system? (Access restriction options?)

We want to publish a web-based documentation on our website, but we want to restrict access to some sections for specific users. For example, we need to allow access to a web help section, or particular topics: By user login/password. By a special URL link/token. Does HelpSmith provide an option to restrict access to the documentation?
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How to link to an external PDF file from a topic of my help file

I have created a help file with HelpSmith, in which I want to reference the users to additional information that is available in external PDF documents. How can I link to an external PDF document?
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Creating a help system on Mac

Can I use HelpSmith to create documentation on Mac? Currently I'm using HelpSmith trial under Parallels on my Macbook Pro. But will the produced help files and documents work on a Mac?
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Start each topic on a new page in PDF output

Where can I set the "new page for each topic" option for the PDF document that I'm creating with HelpSmith?
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How do I format code in my help file?

I need to paste some code examples to my help file, which should be formatted according to the style used in a specific programming language (e.g. PHP, Python, HTML, etc.) for function names, variables, keywords, etc. But when I copy/paste the code into a topic, it is displayed as plain text. How do I format the code in help documentation with [...]
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How to disable scaling of control images below the screenshot?

I'm using the HelpSmith's Image Tool to annotate screenshots of my application. When I capture a screenshot, add annotations for controls, and then export the annotations into the topic, HelpSmith scales down the size of some sub-images for controls which are generated below the main screenshot image. Is it possible to disable the scaling for t [...]
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Disable auto-numbering function in PDF document?

I have created a PDF document with HelpSmith by importing a Word file (.DOCX). HelpSmith automatically adds the numbering for chapters and sections, but in the original document I already have the numbering for my TOC items. Is it possible to disable the auto numbering function?
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