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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

.CHM help file does not display the topic content

I have created a .CHM help file and copied it to our network, so my co-workers could check it out. However, when they open the .CHM file, they can see the list of topics on the Contents tab (i.e. in the TOC), but not the content of the topics. When clicking on any topic, no content is displayed on the right side. What am I doing wrong?
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How to publish a Web Help system?

I've downloaded your HelpSmith software to create our online documentation which can be accessed by other people. Currently we have some questions on documentation publishing: Can we publish a generated Web Help system on our website? How can we publish a Web Help system for use within our organization? Is it possible to link to a specific top [...]
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How to install HelpSmith on a terminal server?

We are considering HelpSmith Terminal Server edition (floating licenses) for use in our company. Can you provide more information on HelpSmith Terminal Server edition: How can we install it in our network? How do we manage floating licenses? What are terminal server requirements? Can HelpSmith be installed on Citrix server? Thank you!
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How to add Related Links associated by keywords?

I have a help project in which I want to add a Related Links section at the bottom of each topic. My questions: How do I setup a Related Links section to display topics associated by keywords? Is it possible to apply these links to multiple topics? Thanks!
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How to translate a help project into other languages?

We created a help file with HelpSmith that we plan to translate into other languages. In the help project, we need to translate TOC titles, content of help topics, texts in screenshots, texts in image annotations, keywords, and other texts. Can you provide more information on the translation capabilities: Is it possible to translate texts in t [...]
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How to integrate help system with .NET app?

We are using HelpSmith to create documentation for our desktop software. Q: How can we integrate the generated help system with our .NET application?
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Copy topics from another HelpSmith project?

Is it possible to copy topics between different HelpSmith projects? For example, I would like to copy topics to my current help project from another project. Please advise.
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How to fit content to a printed page in PDF?

When I generate a CHM file or Web Help system, the topics appear normally. But when generating a Printed Manual or PDF documentation, if a topic is longer than the height of the page, its content is cut off at the bottom of the page. Please advise how I can fix this issue? PS: BTW, I checked the HelpSmith's sample projects, and it seems to work [...]
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How to capture application menu by using the Image Tool?

I'm using HelpSmith's Image Tool to produce a help file for my application. The Capture Controls option works fine and I can add control annotations for buttons, text boxes, and other controls. Q: Is it possible to capture a menu in my application to generate a topic for it?
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How to change page settings in PDF manual?

We have a HelpSmith project that we use to produce our web-based help system, and it works just fine. When we generate a PDF manual, we need to change some page settings, such as page size, margins, etc. The Page Properties button in the toolbar does not seem to work. Q: How can we change the PDF's page settings?
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