UNICODE characters not appearing in left panel in CHM file
I am a licensed user ver 10
I use Telugu language for creating Chm files.
I am able to enter text in the topic.
But in the left panel I am getting ???? marks.
Please resolve.
How to create bulleted and numbered lists quickly
When editing the content of a topic in my help project, I often find myself needing to create bulleted and numbered lists with the same font and indentation settings.
Q: Is there a quick way to create these lists with the desired settings?
How to open the last edited project automatically
I would like the project that was last edited to be automatically opened when the HelpSmith starts. This way, the user can quickly continue working from the same point.
Does HelpSmith have an option to open the last edited project file?
How to insert a link to jump to a specific place in a topic?
I'm a creating a help system and would like to add a link that jumps to a specific point, for example, in the middle of a topic.
Does HelpSmith include such a feature?
Working on the same help project by a team
We are looking for a help authoring tool and your HelpSmith product seems to be a suitable solution for our company.
Is it possible for a team to work on the same project collaboratively?
This is an important feature for our use.
Updating/Upgrading HelpSmith
What's the recommended process to update HelpSmith regardless of the version being upgraded?
Can you install the new version(s) right over the existing installation (being sure note if it's 32-bit or 64-bit) or should the previous version be uninstalled first?
Lifetime license or annual subscription?
I am considering purchasing a license for HelpSmith Professional or Ultimate edition.
Please let me know if the license cost is an annual subscription or lifetime license?
If I purchase a license, will it include support and upgrades for one year?
How to update a screenshot in my help project?
In my HelpSmith project, I have a screenshot which is used in multiple topics.
How can I replace/update the screenshot image with a newer version?
.CHM help file does not display the topic content
I have created a .CHM help file and copied it to our network, so my co-workers could check it out.
However, when they open the .CHM file, they can see the list of topics on the Contents tab (i.e. in the TOC), but not the content of the topics. When clicking on any topic, no content is displayed on the right side.
What am I doing wrong?
How to publish a Web Help system?
I've downloaded your HelpSmith software to create our online documentation which can be accessed by other people.
Currently we have some questions on documentation publishing:
Can we publish a generated Web Help system on our website?
How can we publish a Web Help system for use within our organization?
Is it possible to link to a specific top [...]