How to find an invalid link in the compilation log?
When I compile a help project, the compilation window shows some warnings saying that the help project contains an invalid hyperlink, and so on.
But how do I find where the broken hyperlink is located?
How to find an invalid hyperlink
The Compilation Log displays errors and warnings right after the topic which contains a broken hyperlink, image, or another issue.
For example:
On the screenshot above, the compilation log display warnings below the Topic 10, which means that the problematic hyperlinks are located directly in the Topic 10.
So you can easily identify the topic which contains a problem, select it in the Project Manager, and fix the problem by editing the hyperlinks or other objects in it.
You can find more details on the compilation log and common compilation issues here.
Using the Go To Feature
In HelpSmith, you can also use the Go To feature (available by pressing: Ctrl+G) to find a hyperlink, bookmark or another object contained in topics of your help project.
Compilation log and build tags
BTW, if you produce different versions of your documentation, the compilation log displays errors and warnings taking into account not only the selected output format, but also the build tags that you applied.
In other words, HelpSmith analyzes your help project and lets you see the issues in a specific version of your help file or document.