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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Images not displayed after moving a help project (.HSM)

We are using HelpSmith for creating our documentation.

1.) Today I have moved one of our .HSM projects to a different location. When I open the .HSM project file, HelpSmith does not display any images.

2.) I also checked the Media Repository by clicking Project|Project Objects|Media Repository. While I can see the media files in the Project Media window, it does not display the images either.

How can I recover all the images after moving the help project?



When I open the .HSM project file, HelpSmith does not display any images.

If you have opened a help project, but HelpSmith does not display images in help topics, or in the Project Media window (Project|Project Options|Media Repository), make sure that:

  • The directory containing your .HSM project file also contains the media repository folder, which must be named like "YourProjectName_files".
  • The media repository folder (YourProjectName_files) actually contains the appropriate image files.

The media folder of a help project


In most cases, this problem occurs after copying or moving a .HSM project file to another computer or storage device without copying the media repository folder of the help project.

For more details on how to copy or move an entire help project properly, you can visit:


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