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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Is it possible to re-use the same image in multiple topics?

I am evaluating the HelpSmith trial and it seems very good for my needs.

Just wondering, does HelpSmith allows reusing an image in other topics?

For example, if I have inserted an image in one topic, can I insert it (i.e. link to the same image file), in another topic. If so, when I need to update the image (e.g. a screenshot of my application), I can simply update the image file in one place.

Is that possible?



Yes, HelpSmith automatically puts all the image and video files to the project's Media Repository, which allows you to insert the same image to other topics.

For more details on the Media Repository, you can visit:


How to re-use an image or video

You can insert an image (or video) into a topic directly from the Media Repository of your help project.

  1. On the Insert tab, click the lower half of the Picture button.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click From Repository.
  3. Select the media file that you need.
  4. Click Insert.

Inserting an Image from the Media Repository


How to update an image (e.g. screenshot)

when I need to update the image (e.g. a screenshot of my application), I can simply update the image file in one place.

Yes, HelpSmith allows you to update an image file directly in the Media Repository (Project|Project Objects|Media Repository), so it will be updated in all the topics containing that image.

For more details, on updating an image, you can also visit this topic:


Great, thank you!


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