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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Topics by Tag

6 topics found by tags: lists, styles, bullets, numbering.

How do I create a numbered list properly?

When I create a numbered list by clicking the Write|Numbering button, the selected paragraphs turn into numbered list as expected like: Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor However, in some cases, when I create a new list or insert a new paragraph into an existing list, several paragraphs of this list have the same number (1 [...]
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How to create bulleted and numbered lists quickly

When editing the content of a topic in my help project, I often find myself needing to create bulleted and numbered lists with the same font and indentation settings. Q: Is there a quick way to create these lists with the desired settings?
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How do I change breadcrumb text and styles?

In our help system, we have a breadcrumb that shows the location of the current topic in the header. What we want to do for the breadcrumb path is: Change the style of hyperlinks (regular, hover style); Change or disable the "<Root level>" text; Change the delimiter from the ">" char to "|" char. How can we do that?
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How to find where a specific style is used?

In our help project, we have a couple of styles which seem to be unused. However, we would like to ensure that those styles can be deleted. Is it possible to find all the places where a specific style is used in the entire help project?
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Changing the style of active hyperlinks

In my help project, the hyperlink styles (Hyperlink, Active Hyperlink) seem to be correct. But when I hover over hyperlinks in the compiled help system, some of the hyperlinks are not highlighted with the "Active Hyperlink" style. What I am doing wrong?
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The Styles pane does not appear

When I click on the Write|Styles button, the Styles pane does not appear. How can I fix that?
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