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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Topics by Tag

40 topics found by tags: web help, images, screenshots, image tool.

How to make the Web Help footer to be Right Justified?

How can I apply the "Right Justified" alignment to the footer area of the Web Help layout?
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Search in Web Help: set "Phrase" option as default setting

I want the users of my Web Help system to have the "Phrase" search option instead of the "Any words" option (on the Search tab) for better search results. Is it possible to select the "Phrase" mode as the default setting?
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Hidden topic is still accessible via Search tab

I've hidden a topic by selecting the "Hidden" option in the topic properties dialog. In the compiled help file, the topic is not visible in the Contents tree, but I can still access it via the Search tab. How can I fix this?
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Clickable hyperlinks in breadcrumbs

I have a Breadcrumb object in the template that applies to the topics in my .CHM help file and Web Help system that I'm creating with HelpSmith. However, the Breadcrumb displays the path to the selected topic as regular text. How can I enable clickable hyperlinks in the Breadcrumb's path, so the user of the help file can follow to the appropri [...]
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How to insert video from YouTube?

I have a video tutorial located on my YouTube channel. Q: Is it possible to insert a YouTube video into a topic in my help file?
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How to set SEO-friendly filenames for topics?

When I export my help project as a web help system, the filenames of my topics are named like "idh-topic10.htm". I would like to set meaningful filenames that correspond to the titles of the topics, which is important for better indexing/ranking of the pages by search engines, etc. For example: If I have a topic named "User Interface", it shoul [...]
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Printing single page from Web Help

We are using Web Help template in our software. There is no Print Preview or Print button included into Web Help template page. Just wonder if it is possible to include it to template for user to have an easy way of printing one page, one topic at the time.
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Linking to external websites in Web Help

In our web help system, we have links to external websites. While some of the linked websites are displayed properly, the other websites are not displayed. For example, if you click on such a hyperlink, you will get an error like "Refused to connect" (Chrome) or "Can't Open This Page" (Firefox). Q: How can we solve this problem?
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How do I translate layout texts?

I'm translating a copy my help project into a different language as explained in the HelpSmith's manual here. It seems to work fine, but I'm wondering if it is possible to display the texts like the "Table of Contents", "Index", etc. in a different language? How do I translate these texts? Thanks!
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Opening a compiled Web Help system

When I click Project>Compile in HelpSmith to produce a web help system, it opens the generated help system in the browser and everything works fine. But if I launch the generated index.htm file manually in Windows explorer, some functions do not seem to work. For example, I cannot select a topic in the TOC, search topics by keywords, etc. H [...]
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