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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Topics by Tag

37 topics found by tags: html help (chm), web help, pdf, image tool, images, screenshots, annotations.

How to fit content to a printed page in PDF?

When I generate a CHM file or Web Help system, the topics appear normally. But when generating a Printed Manual or PDF documentation, if a topic is longer than the height of the page, its content is cut off at the bottom of the page. Please advise how I can fix this issue? PS: BTW, I checked the HelpSmith's sample projects, and it seems to work [...]
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How to publish a Web Help system?

I've downloaded your HelpSmith software to create our online documentation which can be accessed by other people. Currently we have some questions on documentation publishing: Can we publish a generated Web Help system on our website? How can we publish a Web Help system for use within our organization? Is it possible to link to a specific top [...]
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How to update a screenshot in my help project?

In my HelpSmith project, I have a screenshot which is used in multiple topics. How can I replace/update the screenshot image with a newer version?
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How to set meta tags for topics in a Web Help system?

Is it possible to set Keywords and Description meta tags for individual topics? Can you provide instructions for this task?
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What is the difference between Keywords and A-Keywords?

I've been using the HelpSmith help authoring tool to create help files and manuals for about a year. I use Keywords to create the Index section of my help file, but wondering what is the difference between Keywords and A-Keywords? Can you please provide an example of using A-Keywords?
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How to add a collapsible section? (problem with a table)

In my help file I want to put some content into a collapsible section, as implemented in one of your sample projects. The Toggle JS script (which is available in the sample project) works fine for regular text, user instructions, etc. Problem: But when I try to apply the Toggle script to the annotation tables which are generated below a screens [...]
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Images not displayed after moving a help project (.HSM)

We are using HelpSmith for creating our documentation. 1.) Today I have moved one of our .HSM projects to a different location. When I open the .HSM project file, HelpSmith does not display any images. 2.) I also checked the Media Repository by clicking Project|Project Objects|Media Repository. While I can see the media files in the Project Med [...]
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Compiled help system does not display the topic titles?

When I compile my help project as a CHM file or Web Help system, it works fine, but when opening any topic, it does not display the topic's title. What I am doing wrong?
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The Search function in my CHM help file does not work

I have compiled a help project as a CHM help file, but when I enter a keyword on the Search tab, it does not find any topics in the help file despite the topics actually contain text that matches the keyword. So my question is: How do I enable the search function in my CHM file?
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How to delete unused images in a project

How can I delete all unused images in my project?
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