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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Topics by Tag

16 topics found by tags: mac, web help, pdf.

How to fit content to a printed page in PDF?

When I generate a CHM file or Web Help system, the topics appear normally. But when generating a Printed Manual or PDF documentation, if a topic is longer than the height of the page, its content is cut off at the bottom of the page. Please advise how I can fix this issue? PS: BTW, I checked the HelpSmith's sample projects, and it seems to work [...]
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How to publish a Web Help system?

I've downloaded your HelpSmith software to create our online documentation which can be accessed by other people. Currently we have some questions on documentation publishing: Can we publish a generated Web Help system on our website? How can we publish a Web Help system for use within our organization? Is it possible to link to a specific top [...]
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How to set meta tags for topics in a Web Help system?

Is it possible to set Keywords and Description meta tags for individual topics? Can you provide instructions for this task?
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Is it possible to create a protected Web Help system? (Access restriction options?)

We want to publish a web-based documentation on our website, but we want to restrict access to some sections for specific users. For example, we need to allow access to a web help section, or particular topics: By user login/password. By a special URL link/token. Does HelpSmith provide an option to restrict access to the documentation?
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How to link to an external PDF file from a topic of my help file

I have created a help file with HelpSmith, in which I want to reference the users to additional information that is available in external PDF documents. How can I link to an external PDF document?
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How to insert video from YouTube?

I have a video tutorial located on my YouTube channel. Q: Is it possible to insert a YouTube video into a topic in my help file?
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Hidden topic is still accessible via Search tab

I've hidden a topic by selecting the "Hidden" option in the topic properties dialog. In the compiled help file, the topic is not visible in the Contents tree, but I can still access it via the Search tab. How can I fix this?
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Clickable hyperlinks in breadcrumbs

I have a Breadcrumb object in the template that applies to the topics in my .CHM help file and Web Help system that I'm creating with HelpSmith. However, the Breadcrumb displays the path to the selected topic as regular text. How can I enable clickable hyperlinks in the Breadcrumb's path, so the user of the help file can follow to the appropri [...]
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Printing single page from Web Help

We are using Web Help template in our software. There is no Print Preview or Print button included into Web Help template page. Just wonder if it is possible to include it to template for user to have an easy way of printing one page, one topic at the time.
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How do I translate layout texts?

I'm translating a copy my help project into a different language as explained in the HelpSmith's manual here. It seems to work fine, but I'm wondering if it is possible to display the texts like the "Table of Contents", "Index", etc. in a different language? How do I translate these texts? Thanks!
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