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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

Topics by Tag

24 topics found by tags: hyperlinks, bookmarks, topics.

.CHM help file does not display the topic content

I have created a .CHM help file and copied it to our network, so my co-workers could check it out. However, when they open the .CHM file, they can see the list of topics on the Contents tab (i.e. in the TOC), but not the content of the topics. When clicking on any topic, no content is displayed on the right side. What am I doing wrong?
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How to add Related Links associated by keywords?

I have a help project in which I want to add a Related Links section at the bottom of each topic. My questions: How do I setup a Related Links section to display topics associated by keywords? Is it possible to apply these links to multiple topics? Thanks!
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How do I change breadcrumb text and styles?

In our help system, we have a breadcrumb that shows the location of the current topic in the header. What we want to do for the breadcrumb path is: Change the style of hyperlinks (regular, hover style); Change or disable the "<Root level>" text; Change the delimiter from the ">" char to "|" char. How can we do that?
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Opening a specific topic in a Web Help system (by clicking on the "topic.htm" file)

I have generated a Web Help system with HelpSmith by importing topics from my Word document. HelpSmith has generated separate .HTM files for each topic in the Web Help's output folder. But if I open one of the HTML files, it opens the Web Help system, but does not open the particular help topic. What I am doing wrong? Interestingly, when th [...]
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Compiled help system does not display the topic titles?

When I compile my help project as a CHM file or Web Help system, it works fine, but when opening any topic, it does not display the topic's title. What I am doing wrong?
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Is it possible to create a protected Web Help system? (Access restriction options?)

We want to publish a web-based documentation on our website, but we want to restrict access to some sections for specific users. For example, we need to allow access to a web help section, or particular topics: By user login/password. By a special URL link/token. Does HelpSmith provide an option to restrict access to the documentation?
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How to link to an external PDF file from a topic of my help file

I have created a help file with HelpSmith, in which I want to reference the users to additional information that is available in external PDF documents. How can I link to an external PDF document?
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Changing the style of active hyperlinks

In my help project, the hyperlink styles (Hyperlink, Active Hyperlink) seem to be correct. But when I hover over hyperlinks in the compiled help system, some of the hyperlinks are not highlighted with the "Active Hyperlink" style. What I am doing wrong?
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How to edit the "Send comments" link?

In our web help system, we have a "Send comments on this topic" link in the top-right corner of each topic. It works fine, but I need to change the email address to which the email messages will be sent. How do I edit this link?
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How to insert a link to jump to a specific place in a topic?

I'm a creating a help system and would like to add a link that jumps to a specific point, for example, in the middle of a topic. Does HelpSmith include such a feature?
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