Popular Topics
Most popular topics discussed by the users.
What is a .CHW file?
When I create a .CHM help file with HelpSmith, I also see an additional file with the .CHW extension in the output folder.
Can you please explain the purpose of this .CHW file? Should I distribute it with my .CHM help file, or it is a temporary file that I can delete?
Thank you!
How do I format code in my help file?
I need to paste some code examples to my help file, which should be formatted according to the style used in a specific programming language (e.g. PHP, Python, HTML, etc.) for function names, variables, keywords, etc.
But when I copy/paste the code into a topic, it is displayed as plain text.
How do I format the code in help documentation with [...]
How do I link to a specific place within a topic?
I am creating a FAQ section that will contain a list of questions linking to the appropriate answers. The answers can be located within the same topic, or in other help topics.
What I need to do is to link directly to a specific place in a topic. For example, when the user clicks on such a link, the help system should scroll directly to the app [...]
How to change the width of the TOC frame in CHM help?
How can I change the width of the left hand menu (TOC frame) in the CHM help file compiled with HelpSmith?
Video in a topic plays automatically
In my help file, I have a video in one of the topics, which automatically begins to play when selecting the topic in the left hand side of the .CHM file.
Is it possible to turn off the "auto play" option, so the user of the help file can play the video manually if he/she needs so.
Please advise.
HelpSmith Demo?
I'm looking for a help authoring tool that can be recommended for use in our company.
Q: Can I have a HelpSmith demo version for evaluation?
Thank you!
How to divide a paragraph in HelpSmith
Please tell me how to divide the paragraph in HelpSmith. I want to break up a paragraph on one page and express it in two paragraphs.
How to exclude a topic from the help system?
In my help project, I've hidden a topic by enabling the Hidden option in the topic properties.
In compiled CHM and Web Help system, the topic does not appear in the Table of Contents. But when clicking on a hyperlink in another topic, the hidden topic is displayed.
In Printed Manual/PDF document, the topic does not appear in the Table of Conten [...]
How to open the last edited project automatically
I would like the project that was last edited to be automatically opened when the HelpSmith starts. This way, the user can quickly continue working from the same point.
Does HelpSmith have an option to open the last edited project file?
Linking to a paragraph in another topic
Is it possible to create a hyperlink from text in one topic directly to a paragraph in another topic?