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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

How to divide a paragraph in HelpSmith

Please tell me how to divide the paragraph in HelpSmith. I want to break up a paragraph on one page and express it in two paragraphs.
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How do I translate layout texts?

I'm translating a copy my help project into a different language as explained in the HelpSmith's manual here. It seems to work fine, but I'm wondering if it is possible to display the texts like the "Table of Contents", "Index", etc. in a different language? How do I translate these texts? Thanks!
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Importing files with images

The first question: If there are too many image files in the file to be imported, what should I do? The second question: Which font is the most compatible with the Korean font?
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How to set SEO-friendly filenames for topics?

When I export my help project as a web help system, the filenames of my topics are named like "idh-topic10.htm". I would like to set meaningful filenames that correspond to the titles of the topics, which is important for better indexing/ranking of the pages by search engines, etc. For example: If I have a topic named "User Interface", it shoul [...]
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How to insert our company logo to the Web Help system?

We are using HelpSmith to create online help documentation for our company and need to customize the web help system's style. What is the easiest way to insert our company logo?
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Multi Language Projects

Do you have tips how we could set up 2 Language projects (German / English). Does HelpSmith support such projects, which should be equal in the topis, but have different languages. Thank you for your help.
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How do I change breadcrumb text and styles?

In our help system, we have a breadcrumb that shows the location of the current topic in the header. What we want to do for the breadcrumb path is: Change the style of hyperlinks (regular, hover style); Change or disable the "<Root level>" text; Change the delimiter from the ">" char to "|" char. How can we do that?
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Linking to external websites in Web Help

In our web help system, we have links to external websites. While some of the linked websites are displayed properly, the other websites are not displayed. For example, if you click on such a hyperlink, you will get an error like "Refused to connect" (Chrome) or "Can't Open This Page" (Firefox). Q: How can we solve this problem?
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How do I create a numbered list properly?

When I create a numbered list by clicking the Write|Numbering button, the selected paragraphs turn into numbered list as expected like: Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor However, in some cases, when I create a new list or insert a new paragraph into an existing list, several paragraphs of this list have the same number (1 [...]
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How to update font in the generated tables?

I'm using the HelpSmith's Image Tool to capture screenshots and then export control annotations into the help topic. Is there a way to change the font name and text color in the generated tables without editing each table individually?
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