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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

How to disable scaling of control images below the screenshot?

I'm using the HelpSmith's Image Tool to annotate screenshots of my application. When I capture a screenshot, add annotations for controls, and then export the annotations into the topic, HelpSmith scales down the size of some sub-images for controls which are generated below the main screenshot image. Is it possible to disable the scaling for t [...]
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How to change the width of the TOC frame in CHM help?

How can I change the width of the left hand menu (TOC frame) in the CHM help file compiled with HelpSmith?
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How do I link to a specific place within a topic?

I am creating a FAQ section that will contain a list of questions linking to the appropriate answers. The answers can be located within the same topic, or in other help topics. What I need to do is to link directly to a specific place in a topic. For example, when the user clicks on such a link, the help system should scroll directly to the app [...]
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The Search function in my CHM help file does not work

I have compiled a help project as a CHM help file, but when I enter a keyword on the Search tab, it does not find any topics in the help file despite the topics actually contain text that matches the keyword. So my question is: How do I enable the search function in my CHM file?
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How do I format code in my help file?

I need to paste some code examples to my help file, which should be formatted according to the style used in a specific programming language (e.g. PHP, Python, HTML, etc.) for function names, variables, keywords, etc. But when I copy/paste the code into a topic, it is displayed as plain text. How do I format the code in help documentation with [...]
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Is it possible to re-use the same image in multiple topics?

I am evaluating the HelpSmith trial and it seems very good for my needs. Just wondering, does HelpSmith allows reusing an image in other topics? For example, if I have inserted an image in one topic, can I insert it (i.e. link to the same image file), in another topic. If so, when I need to update the image (e.g. a screenshot of my application) [...]
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How to link to an external PDF file from a topic of my help file

I have created a help file with HelpSmith, in which I want to reference the users to additional information that is available in external PDF documents. How can I link to an external PDF document?
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What is a .CHW file?

When I create a .CHM help file with HelpSmith, I also see an additional file with the .CHW extension in the output folder. Can you please explain the purpose of this .CHW file? Should I distribute it with my .CHM help file, or it is a temporary file that I can delete? Thank you!
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Compiled help system does not display the topic titles?

When I compile my help project as a CHM file or Web Help system, it works fine, but when opening any topic, it does not display the topic's title. What I am doing wrong?
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Images not displayed after moving a help project (.HSM)

We are using HelpSmith for creating our documentation. 1.) Today I have moved one of our .HSM projects to a different location. When I open the .HSM project file, HelpSmith does not display any images. 2.) I also checked the Media Repository by clicking Project|Project Objects|Media Repository. While I can see the media files in the Project Med [...]
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