How to make the Web Help footer to be Right Justified?
How can I apply the "Right Justified" alignment to the footer area of the Web Help layout?
Generated Web Help not working after closing HelpSmith
I am using HelpSmith trial version to create an online system that should work over network.
When I compile my help project to the Web Help format, it works perfectly while HelpSmith is still running (i.e. via the HelpSmith's web server).
But if I close HelpSmith or move the Web Help files to another directly, there is no TOC synchronization, a [...]
Creating a help system on Mac
Can I use HelpSmith to create documentation on Mac?
Currently I'm using HelpSmith trial under Parallels on my Macbook Pro. But will the produced help files and documents work on a Mac?
How do I set the size of the image and annotation objects?
How do I set/control the size of the image, the size of the annotations (e.g. balloons) within the image, and the size of the annotations in the tables below the image?
When I change the size of the image in the topic editor, it seems like it also scales the size of balloons, control annotations, etc.